I think the most bizarre accusation I’ve ever Shooga Sugar Skull Dia De Los Muertos Shirt seen was someone calling Ron Paul a leftie loonie; I think it was because he advocated removing incentives for illegal immigrants to come here instead of spending a ton of money on border patrol and a wall. Legit had a coworker tell me that the two possible outcomes of the election is that: “one guy wins, keeps his position, and everything goes back to normal, or the other guy wins, they start giving everything out for free and the country collapses”. A higher up as well, like dude, has a lotta power. And he did the meme thing.
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This is why the “Bernie is unelectable Shooga Sugar Skull Dia De Los Muertos Shirt because conservatives will call him a communist!” argument always made me laugh. These right-wing dipshits were always going to use red scare fearmongering tactics against even the most conservative or “moderate” Dem candidate possible. They did the same shit with Obama and Hillary who were both neo libs, so who cares? Might as well have picked an actual soc dem if the right was going to label anybody a communist or socialist regardless. Ronald Reagan called Medicare communism. They did the same red-baiting nonsense for Social Security. I remember when they called Obama a Marxist. And then Obama proceeded to govern like Bill Clinton.
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