It sounds oversimplified but Awesome In My Dream World Yarn Is Free Coffee Is Healthy Shirt just have you be aware that you’re dreaming. The literal thought has to occur. Lucid dreaming is just being aware that you’re in a dream. If you can have the thought or say out loud “I’m dreaming” or “This is a dream”, you are technically lucid dreaming. Control of the dream comes way after that point. Take like a milligram of dissolvable melatonin before bed. Typical store doses are overkill – I buy the 3s and break them in half to help me sleep. Amplified and sometimes weird dreams come with it.
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Next time you dream just look around. Try not to interact with the dream. If you can separate yourself from the dream you should be able be lucid. If might fight you to keep you in the Awesome In My Dream World Yarn Is Free Coffee Is Healthy Shirt though. I had that experience a couple of times where I knew I was in a dream, I could grab a baskettball and it would “drag” me to the sky, changing directions whenever I pushed the ball in another direction. Sadly I can’t force myself to realizing that I am dreaming. But it was cool the couple of times it did happen. I had a dream where I could leap tall buildings in a single bound with my awesome fart propulsion system, it was the only time I was lucid and I had an amazing time. 10/10 would do again
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I used to write on my hand. Something like “awake” and Awesome In My Dream World Yarn Is Free Coffee Is Healthy Shirt look at it. This habit may transfer into your unconscious and when you look at your hand in a dream, the letters will be out of order or messy! Also, if you ever think you’re in a dream, try flicking the lights on or off. They will NOT work in a dream! Also, once you’re aware that you’re in a dream, you can spin in a circle if you ever feel like you’re losing a grasp on it. This will stabilize your state of mind and keep you lucid. Visualize lucid dreaming as you fall asleep, our brains retain a lot of what we think about right before bed !