How is this guy still here? Why My Silence Your Level Of Stupidity Rendered Me Speechless Shirt haven’t we dragged him out yet? Oh right, there’s like 8 barricaded walls surrounding the WH now. It’s almost as if he’s expecting a coup with all of his tyranny. Trump supporters need to stop trying to defend this. If he were truly trying to protect people by remaining calm, he still could’ve stressed the importance of the lockdown, wearing a mask and socially distancing. He was more interested in creating division and riling up his supporters though. So he sat on these soundbites for months while hundreds of thousands of people died. I hope everyone pirates the shit out of his book and the publisher loses millions.
My Silence Your Level Of Stupidity Rendered Me Speechless Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt, And Hoodie
What scares me is that his base still My Silence Your Level Of Stupidity Rendered Me Speechless Shirt won’t care. To them, it should be downplayed because they think it’s overblown. They’ve latched on to the Q theory that only 6% are real and they aren’t backing down until their ship sinks like that Trump boat. And no one will do a damn thing. No calls for resignation, no impeachment, no 25th amendment, nothing. I’ll never understand why so many people go to this amount of trouble to protect this monster. Trump has killed thousands, destroyed millions of jobs, and likely destroyed entire industries. Every damn day it’s another reason for this man to be removed from office and no one does a damn thing. Go Vote for Biden and the Democrats down the ballot.
Other products: And Though She Be But Little She Is Fierce A Midsummer Night’s Dream Shirt
The second purchase at the store ... was still very satisfied
The shirt shop is very nice,