Content posted to should represent something impressive, be it an action, an object, a skill, a moment, a fact that is above all others. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of “that is next level” from viewers. Hence the reason we don’t have world wars anymore. “Let’s just put an aircraft carrier in every corner of the world”. Actually, countries have figured out that if they declare wars there are rules they have to adhere to. So instead, they just commit whatever atrocities now without declaring/ admitting it. My buddy had a 19lb fat cat. It is just kind of lumbered around everywhere. A Cat Fake It Till You Make It Vintage Shirt coyote went after it once. It would have been an easy meal if there weren’t three people standing around with loaded firearms waiting for the cat to fuck off from the range. The cat had never moved that fast before nor has it since. Anyway, one day I’m at home alone and I walk downstairs and my cat is sitting by the window, staring down the biggest bird I’ve ever seen.
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My dog at the time walks up to the window to check it out and the bird spreads its massive wings and flies away. I totally believe you.” Nobody I told believed me. There were talon holes in the window and everything. Reminds me of one of my first cats, he was an indoor/outdoor cat who would be out and about during the day and come in at night. He was a lanky, scrawny siamese that would hunt for fun. He’d bring back birds and grass snakes. One day he came back with a 4-foot rattlesnake! We made sure he didn’t get bitten, he was just fine. He kept the chickens very safe. A very similar thing happened to me. Our inside cat was chilling on a chair by the Cat Fake It Till You Make It Vintage Shirt window when we hear a loud bang. This video should be titled “irresponsible pet owner stands back and films, while his poor cat cowers next to a predator twice its size, deciding that the risk of watching his pet carried off to its violent death, is worth those sweet, sweet internet points”. If I was in this scenario I’d fucking run outside and punch that eagle in the mouth ain’t no one taking my fuckin cats. 2 eagles also don’t just hang around humans and cats unless someone has altered their natural caution by feeding them. Additional information. This is true.
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When I was in Alaska I just could NOT get over how Bald Eagles were everywhere!! Sitting on the McDonald’s sign, sitting on fences, on top of houses, etc. Coming from the Everglades were seeing a Bald Eagle was a rare treat and something to get excited about, I now know why Northerners freak out over our swamp cats (gators). People in Alaska were so blah about it and I’m like but, but, Bald Eagles!! Endangered! Rare!! Pretty interesting, and probably more plausible than a wild eagle hanging around with a cat and NOT eating me. I get to have it both ways. It is crazy … if there’s a body of water, then there’s a shitload of gators in it. You’re probably right, but anecdotally, I did do a little YouTube-ing and did find one terrible video showing a possible cat victory. I also saw a better quality one of a fox fighting back enough to save himself..and they are about the same size as a cat. I’ll be more clear. The eagle would win. 9 times out of 10. Maybe even 99 times out of 100. I just thought most of us get a kick out of there being a Cat Fake It Till You Make It Vintage Shirt chance of victory for the cat, because of cats. If a raptor wants a meal, it’ll get a meal. If a diving eagle lands a hit on the cat it’ll be dead instantly.
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