I don’t even think she really believes all that crap. It’s pretty obvious from the I May Live In Spain But My Story Began In Ireland Shirt beginning that she had some sort of issues with his cat, and she just tried to frame it all this way so that she could get her way of having him give up his cat. Most likely she does believe it now because she probably convinces herself to, But only because she didn’t want mittens around in the first place. She was a bit catty about it but OP handled it. She obviously thought she had more of her claws in him. OP really got himself out of a hairy situation here. Hahahahaha this is unreal. There is a human being that exists who wants to eradicate a species of animal for a man-made ideology whose entire basis revolves around saving animals. I’m moving to that island in the Indian Ocean with the tribe that killed the evangelical missionary.
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I’ll plead they let me in. I’ll sacrifice whatever they need me to. Make me one of I May Live In Spain But My Story Began In Ireland Shirt them. Fun fact: the egg existed long before the chicken. I’m pretty sure the expression doesn’t refer to eggs in general, but the egg that a chicken comes from. It is still correct to say that the egg came first, though, since some creature that was “not quite” a chicken would have laid the egg that contained the first “chicken”, however, biologists would define that. I worked with a girl several years ago who had two cats and was very zealous vegan. She did not drive cars or ride public transit only bikes. Very environmentally conscious. When she brought up the cats I asked her how she felt about feeding them and what they ate because I had never had the info for the conversation before.