Your arguments are Hot Dear Santa It’S Been Hard To Be Good I Have Red Hair You Know Shirt all over the place. It’s rambling like a trump speech. I haven’t seen anything on Biden’s plan to take away your guns. Although your lack of lockdowns has killed nearly a quarter of a million of your countrymen. But you refuse to wear masks as a sign of freedom. You dehumanize the other side without realizing you’re killing your own humanity. The “other side” just wants to enjoy the basic freedoms that you talk about. You’ve desecrated the religion your care so much about, you want to stop abortions but have no plans on what to do with the kids who are born, I can go on and on.
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Hitler Hot Dear Santa It’S Been Hard To Be Good I Have Red Hair You Know Shirts came to power promising the same things trump did and my countrymen fell for it and perpetrated the worst possible crimes against humanity. Here in Berlin, we have a museum called Topography of Terror, if you ever come here I’d urge you to visit. You will see the undeniable parallels between Trump and Hitler. Remember my friend, we all want life, liberty, and the right to pursue happiness. All of us. Trump is not a fascist. If you do not live in America, you simply don’t understand what it was really like to have him as president.
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