I was walking into the English class, between bells, tucking in my shirt because it came up out of my skirt while I was taking my cardigan off. My English teacher stopped me and asked. When I Get Mad At Someone I’m Silent Because If I Speak My Mind Shirt. Were you just tucking your shirt in?” I told her I was and she promptly wrote me up for having had my shirt untucked. In my high school, we had to tuck our shirts in unless it was a sweater. I even went and made sure with a teacher it was ok and she said, “Why would you tuck a sweater in”? A few weeks later she wrote me up for not tucking in my sweater.
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I remember my school had a 6 stripe rule for wearing a tie, me being was the sort of kid who followed the rules but pushed them as far as I could, used to have the shortest part of the tie possible with several feet on the “fatty” part, to the point where it was at my knees. It was such a ridiculous rule. When I Get Mad At Someone I’m Silent Because If I Speak My Mind Shirt. I never got in any trouble for this absurdly long tie but someone could get detention for their tie being an inch too short, I still don’t understand why. She also gave me a C on a project where we were supposed to decorate masks. Everyone else got mostly As. Like how the fuck do you even grade something that is supposed to be artistic anyways?
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Mine was simple because I didn’t have much money to spend on decorating it but to this day. I still believe it was better than the sparkly bullshit some kids turned in. That is 100% of the teacher’s fault. I was once told I had broken the computer and felt scared using a computer ever since. When I Get Mad At Someone I’m Silent Because If I Speak My Mind Shirt. And I only just have my confidence back. One time I opened like 50 Firefox windows. And the IT person at my school was so dumb she thought it was broken. The next day there was a note on it that said “this computer is out of order because a student INTENTIONALLY DAMAGED it”
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