No, every pandemic plotline is no longer realistic. In pandemic stories, societies collapse because of government incompetence or people selfishly protecting themselves at the expense of cooperation. Nobody would ever imagine the apocalypse happening because people where hosting COVID parties to see who would get infected. Imagine an Undertaker Professional Wrestler Horror Shirt zombie movie, but where the characters don’t seek shelter, or hide, or protect themselves.
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At the beginning of all this, I was thinking that Contagion was as scary as hell. Now I’ve realized that it’s actually fantasy cause everyone worked together and was able to fix everything relatively quickly. Nobody would ever imagine the Undertaker Professional Wrestler Horror Shirt apocalypse happening because people where hosting COVID parties to see who would get infected.
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Not sure how long it will last but somebody made a youtube video mixing the intro to The Stand in with the re-opening video for Disney World set to the song ‘don’t fear the reaper.’ This is actually not an Undertaker Professional Wrestler Horror Shirt bad idea until you realize these are also the people screaming for schools to open up in a month and demand school on-campus 5 days a week without masks. They’re literally going to go get COVID and bring it back to share with the class.
Other products: Awesome Straight Outta Dallas Shirt