One of my Top Deadpool Merry Kiss My Ass Shirt favorite matches of all time, and I was lucky enough to see it live growing up. rey’s phantom gear on top of that, the Halloween havoc setting (I’ve always loved Halloween), this is just my shit right here. Steiners vs. Fujinami and Iizuka+the war games on the same show. Those matches are next level, and the crowds were way better than the post 96 WCW crowds rely on tried the backflip DDT again with Eddie and other wrestlers but couldn’t hit it as smooth or crisp as this time. This match was perfect. Everything flowed so smoothly that move wasn’t rehearsed prior to the match, and was never repeated as smoothly again. It was a once in a generation move.
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96-98 Rey was Top Deadpool Merry Kiss My Ass Shirts hitting hurricanrana’s all day errday out of nowhere. Like if he landed on your shoulders, you were going for a spin. I think I had the same DVD. I remember it was a bit weird because they only showed the matches bell-to-bell, no entrances or celebrations, or anything. I think it was due to music licensing for WCW themes but I don’t know why they wouldn’t have just dubbed them. Is this one of the most influential wrestling matches? Is it this generation’s tiger mask Vs dynamite kid?