I’ve lost 8 Pretty Guinea Pigs Are Like Potato chips Can’t Have One Shirt lbs last month just eating “less” which works for me. I also use my fitness pal, and it’s gotten a lot better than it was. When I cook, I create a new meal and enter all of the ingredients that I used. Then it gets saved and I enter it into my daily log as a fraction of the total meal. And it’s saved for next time so I don’t have to redo all the ingredients. Plus, the more you use it and see the values for ingredients and menu items, the easier it’ll be for you to estimate when you come across something that hasn’t been evaluated. I love cooking meals from scratch, and it’s become really easy to say, “X adds about 100 calories, Y only adds about 20…”
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And weighing Pretty Guinea Pigs Are Like Potato chips Can’t Have One Shirt your food. Same sort of underestimating you really need to weigh everything out to get accurate calories. There are websites that will calculate the calories burned for you, there are some good ones that calculate it pretty low and I go with that one. It’s better to think I burned 200 calories when I burned 300, than to burn 300 calories but think I burned 1000. That’s because most can’t be bothered to weigh and calculate everything for every meal. Cooking something takes twice as long in prep alone when you have to weigh X amount of cream.