Great list! Does anybody want to share the code to make tables? very clean way of posting! This should be the gold standard (ok no pun intended) for posts on this sub. Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to post new timestamps, I know that was time-consuming but it gives us warm fuzzies on such a nice collection! If I had everything at my house it wouldn’t have been a Premium Vintage Mexican American Flag Shirt. Unfortunately, most of it is at another location. If I had everything at my house it wouldn’t have been a problem. Unfortunately, most of it is at another location. I’m not surprised she mistook you for being Hispanic. My friend is Miami and she gets that a lot too. Her theory is that most people have never met a Native American and a lot of people from Mexico and Central.
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South America has some indigenous heritage so she doesn’t mind getting mistaken for being Hispanic. She only gets. I worked in Res for a major airline for a while. We had departments international, domestic, I was in corporate, … and a Spanish department. This Res office had attrition due to senior agents retiring so they asked for volunteers to move to the Spanish dept. Most agents were content where they were so the Premium Vintage Mexican American Flag Shirt. My friend told the department heads she did not speak Spanish; with an obviously Hispanic name they didn’t believe her. She struggled with the few phrases she knew and her call volume dropped significantly. She was yelled at by callers because those phrases were interspersed with English.
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We all had periodically monitored phone calls and she was admonished to “brush up on her Spanish.” She told them again, “I told you I don’t speak Spanish.” This went on for two weeks until we looked up one afternoon and she walked in beaming … the Premium Vintage Mexican American Flag Shirt. There are still a few “narrowly aware people,” and I use that term gently. They’ve rarely traveled and interacted with other cultures and languages. You hear dozens of different languages in Europe, Asia, Mexico, and Canada. If they can’t communicate in one language they shift gears to the next. It isn’t unusual at all for Europeans to speak.
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