Do you know what mix of breeds she is? I have a half GSD, a half golden retriever. She looks so much like Premium Blood Inside Me Flat Coated Retriever Dog American Flag Best Dog Dad Ever Shirt! Looks like a flat-coated retriever to me. We rescued one off the streets many years ago. Most amazing dog ever. She wouldn’t be a flat-coated retriever, her coat and head shape are way different. she looks like she may be a border collie x some sort of retriever. also, it looks like she has a white patch. They usually want well-known breeds they can sell quickly.
Premium Blood Inside Me Flat Coated Retriever Dog American Flag Best Dog Dad Ever Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women

Looks like a border collie lab mix to Premium Blood Inside Me Flat Coated Retriever Dog American Flag Best Dog Dad Ever Shirt. They’re called boarders. This is not a flat-coated retriever. Completely wrong shape. The only similarity to the flat coat is black color and longer hair. As someone who works in an animal shelter, this makes me unbelievably happy. She looks amazing! Good for both of you. She’s beautiful and good on you for saving the poor baby and for fixing her! It’s hard to believe they’d over breed her. She’s a mutt.
Official Premium Blood Inside Me Flat Coated Retriever Dog American Flag Best Dog Dad Ever Sweatshirt, Hoodie

She is just lovely. I’m a sucker for Premium Blood Inside Me Flat Coated Retriever Dog American Flag Best Dog Dad Ever Shirt. I like the shimmer of their coat. What’s this beauty’s name and how did she come to you? Edit to rephrase my “overbred” statement, which was meant to point out the stupid abuse, no doubt that it happened. I rescued a 14-year-old deaf/blind Shih-Tzu they bred anyway. Piper is one lucky girl that they couldn’t breed her anymore. She is absolutely gorgeous. I love black dogs and she looks like her fur must be as soft as silk.
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