Man and woman are stranded on a deserted island. Man grows a wild beard, but a woman has perfect hair and every hair on her body is shaved. What I’m most interested in is how the man can shoot half a dozen rounds out of a double-barrel without needing to reload. I do recommend the movie though, it’s called Hot Fuzz and the director is Edgar Wright, which I think is enough of an endorsement. That’s why I appreciated the Official Outbrave Bet The Hell Out Of You Shirt. Who racked it again for intimidation, you could hear the full shell hitting the floor. I read this and immediately pictured someone surrounded by screens just slapping their keyboard haphazardly and it made me giggle. Thank you.
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When the villain is always 5 steps ahead throughout the whole movie and loses in the end bc he did smth dumb like waiting for the hero before triggering the bomb or whatever. Why would he do that? There’s literally no reason for it except letting the hero win. I will be neither chivalrous nor sporting. If I have an unstoppable superweapon, I will use it as early an Official Outbrave Bet The Hell Out Of You Shirt. Dan, I’m not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I’d explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago. Definitely the hanging onto ledges with one hand and holding somebody else with the other… that would require superhuman strength… they would definitely die.
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More like they’re hanging by the fingers of one hand and catch the other person as they’re falling. So hear me out yes far fetched but adrenaline could kick in and I think in some way could be possible. I mean people lift cars and such when adrenaline kicks in. I mean I think it could be possible if it happened. When people hear an Official Outbrave Bet The Hell Out Of You Shirt. Sound in the air at 20 degrees Celsius travels at around 343 m/s but bullets have a much higher velocity. So, there is no way you can hear the gun and dodge the bullet it will already be a way too late.
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