How fucking gay is AF and PM. Like, why the fuck do they exist, where you can’t trade and institutions can just fuck you. Mad gay. Buying at open would have you up 3x because of IV destruction. No. We are pretty red for all 4 tech beating. Also, no stimulus passing this weekend. Congress said they are taking a 3 day weekend too. Until stimulus passes, we won’t move up. I would take whatever profit you can at this point or seriously cut your losses or pray the fuck out of god. Do you know what would actually be more helpful to Africans than throwing food at Nope Still Don’t Care Try Again Tomorrow Shirt them which harms the local farmers? Something like popcorn return machine + laundry machines so you stick a card in the pop can machines which load up credits then you use the credits with the card on wash machines.
Nope Still Don’t Care Try Again Tomorrow Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt and Hoodie
Futures prob barely budged because of unemployment insurance ending today, not even coming close to reaching a deal on the second stimulus bill, and effects from GDP on track to be -33% for the year. Good idea to sell at Nope Still Don’t Care Try Again Tomorrow Shirt market open How is NOK gonna be the next Kodak when it has a 22 billion market cap? To reach $10 alone it would have to double to 44 billion market cap. Bigger companies move less retards. Buy disability insurance. For every dollar you put in life insurance put a dollar into disability insurance. Sold all for 100% next day on that huge bounce. Today that option is $46 and all others are deep ITM, fook me. Probably means I could have just sold some of my other contracts. Didn’t hold any cuz the robots on CNBC instilled fear into my soul.