Almost like nature evolved to be in a Move Over Boys Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Painter Vintage Retro Shirt balance where everyone played their part. But I’m sure people who think carnivorous behavior is bad are not thinking that far ahead. Don’t tell them that a lot of “herbivores” actually eat other animals when given the opportunity. Yup, my cat is indoor-only because I see how ferocious she was as a kitten when playing with her toys. She is a great mouser, which provides our house with ecologically friendly pest control. Jesus I just realized all of those examples were from my own life. I was once in a zoo and there was this woman in her forties who wouldn’t take her kids to see the lions because they are fed meat and that is animal abuse.
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Once worked with a Karen who was a Move Over Boys Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Painter Vintage Retro Shirt“vegan” but would literally pour all of the water out of the kettle and refill it if it wasn’t filtered water. Do we live in a country where tap water is perfectly safe to drink? But fuck wasting water as long as the animals don’t get hurt. I follow a lady on Instagram that rescues animals of all sorts and she has several foxes. At least that person acknowledged that the foxes need meat. Wishing there was another viable option is far superior to insisting that someone feed them a non-viable option, or actually feeding them a non-viable option.