I’m from the southern US. I have friends from Men Playing Ping Pong It’s Just Not A Hobby It’s My Escape From Reality Shirt England who would sometimes use it to refer to all Americans. Yankee outside the United States refers to any American, including southerners. Within the southern United States, Yankee is a derisive term that refers to all northerners or non-confederate state peoples. Driving the speed limit on the interstate through Boston is insanely scary. It’s part of the Australian slang they seem to instinctively use.no, Americans DO NOT identify collectively as Yankees. It isn’t just people from the south who object either. A Yankee is a New Englander and does not extend to other regions.
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Just like a Newfie only applies to New Foundland. Gonna casually gloss over the Men Playing Ping Pong It’s Just Not A Hobby It’s My Escape From Reality Shirt fact that one of these morons wound up accidentally shooting three of their fellow “protesters?” What could go wrong? One of these “highly trained” folks negligently discharges a weapon injuring 3 people including himself. This was the second such ND at one of their protests yet no one is talking about that. After the shot, some of these guys are aiming indiscriminately into the crowd.