I watched this on a Men Playing Billiard It’s Just Not A Hobby It’s My Escape From Reality Shirt live stream yesterday, this group is crazy. They demanded Texas (or another state) become a black ethnostate, $14 trillion in reparations, and threatened to kill people. The black fetish here is weird AF. Reddit: black people threatening to kill white people, and accidentally shooting their own members “wtf I love the second amendment and open carrying now !” Second, this support for armed militias needs to stop on BOTH sides. Are you not realizing where this could escalate to? Oh, I shot my friend? Not to worry, it happens to the best of us. Take a knee and close my eyes, when I open them back up the white man will have cleaned up my mess. Hell yeah!
Men Playing Billiard It’s Just Not A Hobby It’s My Escape From Reality Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt and Hoodie
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that people are finally waking up and the Men Playing Billiard It’s Just Not A Hobby It’s My Escape From Reality Shirt gun control idiots are finally about to get the nail in their coffin. It’s hard to know state by state but I believe most places carrying at the low ready is fine but muzzle up = brandishing. Everything I’m finding for NC says “out of the holster” is brandishing, but these are long guns, so I don’t know what they would call it. It would probably sound something like this, “heavily armed white supremacists”… I still don’t see anywhere in the news or even Reddit the significance of yesterday’s march. It would’ve been Emmet Till’s 79th Birthday. The fact that selective history is teaching people to forget some especially the mistreatment of black people irks me to my core