I know this was an If I Could Run Like You Atlanta Braves I’d Sell My Car Signatures Shirt joke but my boyfriend (black) won’t get any of these dogs because he doesn’t want to play into any stereotype specifically so people don’t call the cops on him for simply walking his dog. He wants to appear as non-threatening as possible. So yes, he walks around with our 6lb chihuahua. Now I’m afraid someone will report our dog stolen! You know the people who make these stereotypes have never actually dealt with any of these animals. My pitty mix would terrorize them with face slobbering and aggressive tail wagging (unless of course, it was a robbery before noon in which case his highness cannot be bothered to move from the bed for anything less than cheese).
If I Could Run Like You Atlanta Braves I’d Sell My Car Signatures Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt and Hoodie
You guys are cracking me up with stories on If I Could Run Like You Atlanta Braves I’d Sell My Car Signatures Shirt what your pitties are afraid of. Reminded me of another story with mine. When we first got her, I took her on a walk. My son would second that! When he was learning to walk, that tail would hit his back and down he’d go! It’s was funnier then, bc the dog would think he wanted to play. She would lay down next to him and lick him. Just waiting for his attention, which of course he gave her. I think it took him an extra month to learn to walk because she kept distracting him so she could snuggle and play with her hairless puppy.