For me it’s not that I’m unsympathetic, but I’ve just had no idea how much of a serious problem it still is. I guess you could say I was ignorant, but not intentionally. I’ve never seen any blatant displays of racism. Floyd is such a Baby Groot And Baby Yoda Face Mask Star Wars Darth Vader Jops Together We Can Beat Covid 19 Shirt massive slap in the face. Not only is racism alive and well, it’s still a serious issue. But even worse than that, a lot of it comes from people in power. It’s infuriating and disgusting and makes me so sad for this country. We’re raised to believe that the US is “land of the free” and how we’re so great, but with every passing day I see that that’s all pretty much propaganda and lies.
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For the people excusing this completely insane police brutality: by your logic, anyone should be able to go out and kill every one of those 4 cops who killed Floyd without trial or jury. Every time a cop breaks a law, they’re open game for anyone to kill extrajudicially. . If the video were of a random man doing this we would all he shocked and appalled and call the murdered a depraved sociopath. Instead, he had a badge on Baby Groot And Baby Yoda Face Mask Star Wars Darth Vader Jops Together We Can Beat Covid 19 Shirt so it’s become a debate. They said the same thing about Ahmaud Arbery. Like, so what? That didn’t justify murdering him. The “convicted criminal” narrative they try and pull in some of these situations is utter bullshit
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I’m an upper-middle-class white dude living in the ‘burbs and I committed a bunch of offenses when I was younger that would have put me in jail and made me a convicted criminal. I’ve also worked full time for a Baby Groot And Baby Yoda Face Mask Star Wars Darth Vader Jops Together We Can Beat Covid 19 Shirt church, being a mentor, done charity work, etc. Just because someone made mistakes in their past doesn’t make them a bad person and it certainly doesn’t warrant their murder. The only reason I’m not a “convicted criminal” is because of my privilege. Had I been born black or brown and committed the same offenses, I would have a nice long record and apparently justification in case I was ever executed by the police.
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