One of best mates is, known Awesome Damn Right I Am A Liverpooh Fan Now And Forever Shirt since we were teenagers and it’s so weird to see her go down this path. Especially now when we’ve started to have kids of our own and her daughter isn’t vaccinated. Definitely affected all our relationships so we hardly see her anymore. Your mate is vaccinated I assume? That’s what pisses me off most about anti-vaxxers, they’re happy to let everyone else pay for their dumb decisions. While being immune from them themselves, their poor daughter included
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The theory is he wants to kill us all via vaccines. They’re using an out of context quote from a ted talk on reducing carbon where he talks about reducing the worlds population and off Awesome Damn Right I Am A Liverpooh Fan Now And Forever Shirt lists vaccines as one way to achieve that (along with contraception and education). His reasoning is that if you reduce child mortality then parents won’t feel like they need to have large families. But the nutters have taken this comment to mean that Bill Gates announced on stage during. Ted talk that he plans to kill 10% of the worlds population via vaccines.
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Before Covid-19 I was listening to a radio podcast, in the most listened radio in Portugal, and they were talking with a scientist that works on the cure to Malaria, and they were talking about public fundings from Universities and EU, and she also talked great things about Gates Foundation, saying that it’s a lot of Awesome Damn Right I Am A Liverpooh Fan Now And Forever Shirt to apply for their funds, but they got huge help from Gates. I really don’t understand those conspiracy theories, when scientist are appreciating the help from Gates Foundation.