Possibly so cops can curb underage drinking by blocking sales to minors. But does not charge into your house to arrest families for toasting a graduate with champagne or beers on a special occasion. Yeah, but what are you going to do? I mean, what possible law about the selling of fireworks could have an impact on the buying of fireworks? Anthony Bourdain Fuck Middle Finger Shirt. We have a lot of such silly laws in us. Using a jammer to block cell phone signals is illegal, but owning jammers isn’t. How can you legally own something that is illegal to use? No, it’s just aerial fireworks. Mortars are illegal. The stands sell smaller “safe and sane” fireworks all small ground stuff, eg. crackers, sparkling stuff, small fountains, and smokers.
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If you are referring to the auto seer to make a weapon into a “machine gun” in the eyes of the ATF. Anthony Bourdain Fuck Middle Finger Shirt. It’s almost like a country randomly. Because scary Mexicans smoked it. And that hemp threatened the lumber industry at the time (and now), might not have the most logical laws on the books. The kicker is that everyone likes to pull out the “no taxation without representation” point around this time of year. Fun fact. Washington D.C. has no representation in the senate. Despite having a larger population than some of the smaller states. How does that make sense?
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4chan was convinced it was a plot against capitalism by George Soros and then some galaxy brain pointed out that everyone has extra money, extra time, and canceled fireworks shows mean firework companies have to make up the lost revenue with phat deals and more stands. Anthony Bourdain Fuck Middle Finger Shirt. I doubt it’s either of those things specifically, I’m sure there are some people in there who are doing things for those reasons but I’d bet it’s more just people trying to get through this quarantine shit. My dogs are really tired of it though, and quite frankly, I’m really tired of my dogs being tired of it. The barking is just endless every freaking evening.
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