It bothers Awesome Championship Parade Repeat Boston 2020 Shirt me to the core of my heart when a woman clutches her purse or crosses the street just because I’m on the sidewalk near her. Honest to god it makes me want to cry. I am an old lady, been voting since 1972. Seen a lot of. Been through a lot of. But I’ve never seen anything like the circus we have today. I just want to turn my head to the wall. I’m glad I’m old. I am terrified for my children. I used to listen to a lot of talk radio in the 90 and I remember once hearing Limbaugh for the first time.
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I couldn’t Awesome Championship Parade Repeat Boston 2020 Shirts believe the lies I was hearing! But I didn’t think anyone would believe what that idiot was saying. And lots of yelling. I think the slippery slope started with him and Newt Gingrich, and we’re almost at the bottom now. My now ex and I subscribed to the Flush Rush Quarterly newsletter back in the 90. If I recall correctly, the founder ceased production in 1996, claiming that with Bill Clinton’s election, his work was complete. We were so naive. Recent Trump attacks of Biden include receiving money from foreign governments and his son getting paid a ridiculous amount for a position he wasn’t qualified for.