I’m King Los Angeles Lakers NBA finals Champions 2019-2020 thank you for the memories signatures shirt really trying to not white knight her because her not saying a single word is horrible. That said, when it happened, she was 10-ish? That’s really young to remember much and she was also in Kentucky, where the impact was way different. I was 15. I didn’t post about it today because, to this day, I feel robbed because my teachers decided to continue with standardized testing, rather than letting us watch with the rest of the entire country. Mine felt like a sci-fi film since I didn’t see it until hours after. It never felt real for me. I’m not saying it’s justified because she should say SOMETHING since she lives there now and talks about how much she loves it.
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But I King Los Angeles Lakers NBA finals Champions 2019-2020 thank you for the memories signatures shirts also understand that we all had different experiences, and we also need to keep in mind that a lot of people that are now adults have no memory of it. I’m really curious if Freeform told her she had to post on a specific date, which in that case that’s on them for being messy. regardless, I am shocked (yet not surprised) that she didn’t even post a half-ass photo or something about it. it might be too political? IDK. weird. Tbh I don’t even mind the Merida recreate besides the lazy af setup. I actually like her ~bounding posts, especially compared to the photoshop monstrosities.