Condemning somebody for being Some People Just Need A Pat On The Back Shirt disrespectful while being disrespectful. Somehow, I’m still amazed. Trump supporters calling out Joe Biden for putting his hand on women’s hair and shoulders. Ok It’s not right, but he’s not grabbing them and he doesn’t have 25 women accusing him of Rape. STFU Calling Joe mentally unstable are You serious? have you once! He has never spoken in complete sentences! I can imagine Fox News strategists coming to the inevitable conclusion: “Guys, our public is happiest and most faithful when it feels disrespected and victimized by the libs running the system.
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When we’re out of power we can easily pretend things are Some People Just Need A Pat On The Back Shirt going terribly, either today or soon. But now we’re in charge and everything is clearly going to shit. We’re losing our public. Should we only pretend to play along? and then we can go back to the golden years of whining about losing!” Would be interesting to see, in an alternate universe, Republicans reaction if President Obama constantly referred to opposition politicians by juvenile nicknames during White House press briefings.
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