I was one of Wine I Drink A Lot Of Wine To Deal With My Chronic Anxiety Shirt those that noted that she was controlling. I’m proud that you stood up for your cat and yourself. You will find someone that loves you for who you really are and they will instantly fall in love with Mittens. Just here to say thank you for the picture of Mittens. Ya, that chick is nuts and her reasoning is absurd. By her reasoning, all humans should jump off a cliff because some of our ancestors ate meat. Her logic makes 0 sense. I’m glad you broke up. It’s honestly fucking insane and probably incredibly indicative of her entitlement that she thinks that your cat, an obligate carnivore, shouldn’t eat meat and that you shouldn’t ensure that it does.
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I’ve met vegans who shamed people for not being vegan or tried to cajole them into Wine I Drink A Lot Of Wine To Deal With My Chronic Anxiety Shirt adopting their eating habits but this is a whole other level of crazy. Good for you. I’ve been vegan for well over 20 years. She was a lunatic vegan. She’s like those ones that refused to breastfeed their baby and it died. Cats are Carnivores. I’d choose My Cat over a GF any day. Love your Cat, and give Your Kitty a nice cut of fresh meat, and enjoy the grumble chewing that comes with it. What the fuck. Seriously? That’s selfish. Good for you for getting rid of her. Shes a closed-minded person who thinks shes open-minded. Those are the worst types of people